call: 0141 887 0880
email: info@rcatrust.org.uk

RCA trust
The RCA Trust works close and in partnership with many charities and servicing bodies across Scotland.
All partnerships are at the priority of our service users and are put in place to ensure they receive the best possible help and care.
These services may be of use individually so please don't hesitate to contact them directly.
National Gambling Treatment Centre 2020
The RCA Trust is Part of the National Gambling Support Network.
The National Gambling Treatment Service is a network of organisations working together to provide confidential treatment and support for anyone experiencing gambling-related harms, free to access across England Scotland and Wales.
Wherever someone makes contact throughout this network these providers work alongside each other through referral pathways to deliver the most appropriate package of care for individuals experiencing difficulties with gambling, and for those who are impacted by someone else’s gambling.
The National Gambling Helpline
(operated by GamCare)
Telephone and live chat support – it is the easiest and quickest way for most people to connect with the service(s) or support that can best help them. The HelpLine is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year. It can provide brief interventions and make referrals into other treatment options across the network.
GamCare also offers a moderated online Forum and daily online group chatrooms to enable those affected by gambling problems to connect with others in similar situations, share their experience and support one another.
GamCare and its partner network
Online treatment supported by regular contact with a therapist, which can be accessed at a time and place convenient for the client over the course of eight weeks.
One-to-one face-to-face, online and telephone therapeutic support and treatment for people with gambling problems as well as family and friends who are impacted by gambling.
Group based Gambling Recovery Courses delivered face-to-face or online for between six to eight weeks.
Residential Treatment Centres – two unique specialist centres, providing an intensive residential treatment programme for men with a gambling addiction.
Recovery Housing – specialist relapse prevention housing for those who have completed the treatment programmes requiring additional recovery support.
Retreat & Counselling Programme – retreat programmes for women-only-cohorts and men-only-cohorts which combine short residential stays with at-home counselling support.
NHS Northern Gambling Service, provided by Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
treatment for gambling problems especially for people with more severe addictions and also for those with co-morbid mental and physical health conditions, those with impaired social functioning, and those who may present with more risk, such as risk of suicide.
Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (London Problem Gambling Clinic)
treatment for gambling problems especially for people with more severe addictions and also for those with co-morbid mental and physical health conditions, those with impaired social functioning, and those who may present with more risk, such as risk of suicide.
FastForward is Scotland's National Youth Work organisation specialising in risk-taking behaviours,prevention and early- intervention. They promote young people's health and wellbeing through education and training.
current list of the RCA Trust Partnerships
updated 2023
PFA Scotland
Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership
East Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership
Citizens Advice Scotland
Money Advice Scotland
TCA Dundee
ACI Inverness
ADSSWS covering Dumfries and Galloway